The ascended masters constantly work to make it easier for as many people as possible to discover and follow the spiritual path. They do this partly by giving more, and more advanced, teachings but also by making their teachings easier to grasp and apply for a larger number of people. As part of this latter effort, the ascended masters have released a series of books that are designed to take people through the initiations that can raise our consciousness from the 48th to the 144th level.
This series is called The Path to Self-Mastery and consists of two introductory books and then one book for each of the seven spiritual rays. These books each contain seven chapters dictated by the Chohan of the respective ray and then a series of practical exercises to help you integrate the lessons.
This is an unprecedented opportunity for spiritual seekers to have a systematic course for passing all of the initiations from the 48th to the 96th level. The course can be taken by any spiritual seeker, even if your level of consciousness is already above the 48th level. You can still benefit from these initiations because they give you an opportunity to revisit steps that you might have missed or not integrated fully. Thus, you can make sure that there is nothing that pulls you below the 96th level of consciousness.
These books are workbooks and for each chapter there is an invocation that helps you integrate the teachings and rise to the next level of consciousness. It is recommended that you give each invocation once a day for nine days while studying the corresponding chapter. Each book typically has 7 invocations, meaning it would take a little over 500 days to complete the entire course. Anyone doing this will experience a profound raising of consciousness.
The order of the books:
The Power of Self, is the introductory book. If you are familiar with ascended master teachings, you don't necessarily need to read this book.
Freedom from Internal Spirits by the Maha Chohan gives foundational teachings necessary to make the best use of the following books. 9 invocations.
The Mystical Initiations of Power by Master MORE gives the initiations of the First Ray. 7 Invocations.
The Mystical Initiations of Wisdom by Master Lanto gives the initiations of the Second Ray. 7 Invocations.
The Mystical Initiations of Love by Paul the Venetian gives the initiations of the Third Ray. 7 Invocations.
The Mystical Initiations of Intention by Serapis Bey gives the initiations of the Fourth Ray. 7 Invocations.
The Mystical Initiations of Vision by Hilarion gives the initiations of the Fifth Ray. 7 Invocations.
The Mystical Initiations of Peace by Nada gives the initiations of the Sixth Ray. 7 Invocations.
The Mystical Initiations of Freedom by Saint Germain gives the initiations of the Seventh Ray. 7 Invocations.