The Avatar Revelations, volume 2
This book is the workbook companion to the novel My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus. The novel introduces the concept that many spiritual people have come to earth as volunteers or “avatars.” We have then received deep spiritual traumas as a result of what we have experienced here. Many of us still carry these traumas with us, and it can explain why we sometimes can feel as if we are not making progress on the spiritual path or why there are certain issues we cannot overcome. This book contains further teachings on these concepts as well as practical tools for helping you heal the traumas and overcome any negativity in your attitude to life on this planet. You will learn:
How to love yourself
How to heal your original birth trauma
How to heal any psychological trauma
How to receive and accept Divine love
How to recognize your spiritual modus operandi
How to overcome the fear of making decisions
How to make peace with being on earth
How to use spiritual anger management therapy
How to be free of your primal self
How to feel good about being on earth
How to free yourself from inordinate desires
How to solve the enigmas of the mystical path
NOTE from Kim Michaels: I have been on the spiritual path for over 40 years, but since I started receiving the teachings and tools in this book, I have been healed of conditions that nothing else has been able to help me overcome.
pages in print edition: 496
ISBN: 978-87-93297-49-4