I feel this is the most special teaching/tool I have been privileged to bring forth in my time as a messenger for the ascended masters. It contains 8 dictations from the lady masters who represent the Divine Feminine. Each dictation introduces a unique invocation and there is also a decree to each of the 8 masters. The 8 invocations are simply out of this world and I feel they can help you achieve profound healing of both physical, emotional, mental and soul diseases and traumas.
The 8 masters are: Maraytaii, Nada, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Portia, Goddess of Liberty, Venus and Omega.
Every day we experience situations where we are exposed to uncertainties, mental or emotional disturbances, positive or negative stress. Everything we go through leaves a mark on our personal story. Some are uplifting positive memories, others are painful to a degree that we suppress them in order to escape the trauma. Each detail of our personal story reveals part of who we are and what blocks our growth.
In these spheres of our personal stories we hide our deepest beliefs, concepts, feelings and thoughts that all affect the way we look at life, each other and ourselves. This often generates diseases in our mental, emotional or physical bodies.
The Song of Life Healing Matrix provides you with the unique tools to bring to light the deepest details of your of own song of life. This highly effective tool contains the teachings from eight representatives of the Divine Mother—the ascended masters who represent the divine Feminine for planet earth. They address the blocks to your personal healing and introduce a highly effective tool for sound healing in the form of the Song Life. The eight invocations that you can easily learn, allow you to call forth the following types of healing:
• The transformation of your sense of identity so you realize you are a spiritual being in a human body.
• The clearing of your mental body from all blocking illusions and destructive thought patterns.
• The healing of emotional wounds and the release of the accumulated negative feelings that reinforce self-destructive reactionary patterns.
• The healing of the organs and systems in your physical body from any disease.
• The healing of all lack of balance that prevents you from manifesting your goals in life.
• The healing of all sense of lack that block the manifestation of a spiritually and materially abundant life.
• The healing of all blocks to your acceptance of unconditional love and the flow of love through your being.
• The healing of the denial of your true identity as a co-creator with God and the fact that we are all are part of the Divine Feminine
Introduction 9
PART I – Teachings from the Divine Mother
1 | Recreating your sense of self 13
2 | Using the mind or letting the mind use you 29
3 | Letting feelings flow 43
4 | Healing at the physical level 65
5 | Balance is the key to manifestation 81
6 | Uphold your torch of spiritual light 99
7 | Living in the flow of love 115
8 | Knowing yourself as God knows you 129
Song of Life 1 – A New Identity 141
Decree to Maraytaii 161
Song of Life 2 – A New Mind 165
Decree to Nada 187
Song of Life 3 – A New Emotional Body 191
Decree to Kuan Yin 211
Song of Life 4 – A New Body 215
Decree to Mother Mary 237
Song of Life 5 – Manifestation 241
Decree to Portia 263
Song of Life 6 – Abundance 267
Decree to Liberty 289
Song of Life 7 – Loving Flow 293
Decree to Venus 315
Song of Life 8 – Omega Flow 319
Decree to Omega 341
Glossary 347
About the Author 373
ISBN 978-9949-518-17-3
Format EPUB (Please make sure that you have an ebook reading software installed - Adobe Digitals or similar to open the file)
You can buy along with The Song of Life Healing Matrix all the audio recordings of the eight invocations and the decrees.
The same book is available as printed book and audio book.