What kind of spiritual teacher are you ready for?
The ascended masters are the universal spiritual teachers for humankind. They are beyond any religion, organization or outer teaching. They are willing to help anyone who is ready to go beyond their own minds and connect directly to a greater mind than any mind found on earth.
There are two steps to spiritual progress, namely understanding with the mind and the direct experience of something outside the mind. This book contains teachings from the ascended masters, but these teachings have only one purpose, namely to help you go beyond your mind and have a direct experience of the mind, being and Presence of an ascended master.
The book also gives a number of practical exercises designed to help you escape the pull of your own mind—your ego and outer personality. This pull is what keeps the real you focused outside yourself instead of going within and connecting to your higher self or an ascended master. This book is designed to help you have such experiences of connecting.
The book contains 16 dictations from ascended masters plus a short invocation for each chapter. It is therefore especially suited for those who want to make a practical effort to connect to the ascended masters.
pages: over 400 print equivalent
ISBN: 978-87-93297-80-7